Photograph of a billboard put up after Gardner Myers was killed by police. July 1988. Lester Donaldson's name was added August 9 when he also was killed by the police.
Flyer advertising events that were part of the 2000 OPIRG activist series: "Routes of Resistance". Events included topics such as combatting police brutality, trans, queer, two spirt and POC activist organizing, cuban solidarity, Indigenous land…
A final report for the Environmental Priorities Project funded by OPIRG-Toronto and the Environmental Youth Corps, entitled "Composting at the University of Toronto."
A letter from OPIRG Provincial stating that the expansion to create an OPIRG York would be delayed due to the unlikelihood of being able to win a referendum at York at the time.
An outline of the various actions and initiatives the OPIRG Toronto planned to implement in the campaign to pressure the University of Toronto not to become involved in the Columbus Project